Ni har säkert sett den tidigare, Listan. Den där man skall låta musikspelaren svara på frågor. Måste erkänna att jag fick bättre resultat förra gången jag gjorde testet, vilket kanske beror på att jag denna gången körde shuffle på
all musik jag har i datorn (istället för den i mp3-spelaren) men
here it goes!1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!
4: Forward to: Pappa-
Pata, Mästerfotograf
Zany och Sportskriverskan
Will it be ok?
Sweet Jane (Mott the Hopple)
How are you feeling today?
OP8 (OP8 featuring Lisa Germano)
How do your friends see you?Consummation (Nina Simone)
Will you get married?(I can´t help) falling in love with you (UB40)
What is your best friend’s theme song?
Other days and different places (Screaming Trees)
What is the story of your life?
Dirty Girl (Eels)
What was high school like?15 år bakåt och 15 år framåt (bob hund)
How can you get ahead in life?Don't dream it's over (Paul Young)
What is the best thing about your friends?
King Kong (Tom Waits)
What is today going to be like?Ruination day Pt. 2 (Gillian Welch)
What is in store for this weekend?
Reflected (Alice Cooper)
What song describes you?
Errare humanum est (Jorge Ben)
To describe your grandparents?Sam Hall (Johnny Cash)
How is your life going?Ögon (Havsänglar, dvs Kent)
What song will they play at your funeral?Oh, well (Fiona Apple)
How does the world see you?What becomes of the broken hearted (Jimmy Ruffin)
Will you have a happy life?
Red Alert (Basement Jaxx)
What do your friends really think of you?The last trip to Tulsa (Neil Young)
Do people secretly lust after you?BMW (Souls)
How can I make myself happy?
I know there is an answer (The Beach Boys)
What should you do with your life?
She's not you (Elvis Presley)
Will you ever have children?Finest worksong (R.E.M.)
Kan inte riktigt stå för alla de låtar som råkade dyka upp här - speciellt inte en av dem. Vi kan väl se det som studiematerial för musikquizet? Please?